Bill Gates.

Oprah Winfrey.

Steve Jobs.

These names all come to mind when we think of successful people.

And even though all three are great examples of success, there are lots of other people who are successful in their own right, although we may not be as familiar with their names.

But their habits? Well, that’s a different story. You see, successful people all do similar things. As Brian Tracy says, “Success leaves tracks.” It’s these “tracks,” the behaviors and habits, that set them apart from the ordinary folks who just work their 9-to-5 jobs, clocking in and out every day, never looking to get ahead.

If you want to be one of the greats, if you want to be a big success in life and leave ordinary behind, do these 10 things successful people do, and get ready for the big results that are sure to follow if you do them consistently.

1. They commit to their goals

When successful people set a goal, nothing gets in their way of achieving it. They commit 100 percent to the outcome, knowing that one difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the successful ones commit to a goal and don’t stop until they achieve it.

2. And they persist until they achieve them

Obstacles to success are normal and should be expected. They can’t always be planned for. However, you can decide when you commit to success that you’re going to persist no matter what obstacles arise. Go around them, go over them, or push through them, but persist no matter what happens. That’s what successful people do, and so should you if you want to mimic their success.

3. They take responsibility

Successful people know that they are the masters of their own destiny. You don’t hear them complain about the things that stopped them from success. You won’t hear them make excuses. Instead, they push forward knowing that they are the only thing that will make or break their success.

4. They work hard

Have you ever met someone who is super-successful and lazy? Neither have I. The truth is that the road to success is paved with hard work. If you want to achieve great results, you’ll need to wake up early, stay up late and put in your time. Success doesn’t just come to those who want it. You’ve got to pay your dues.

5. Find people who are doing what they want and emulate them

A college professor once gave me some of the best advice I ever received. He said, “if you want to be wealthy, hang out with wealthy people. If you want to be funny, hang out with funny people. And if you want to be poor, hang out with poor people.”

The truth is that people naturally mimic the behaviors of those around them. Mindset is contagious. So if you want to be a big success in life, spend time with others who are already successful.

Don’t know anyone successful? That’s ok. You can read books written by them or about them. Listen to their radio interviews or watch them on TV. Attitude and success is contagious, so catch it by hanging around some of the greats.

6. They believe in themselves and their vision

The school of hard knocks ain’t easy, so if you want to achieve big results, you’ve got to believe in yourself. The world’s most successful people have unshakeable confidence in themselves and in their vision. Without it, they’d have to give up too easily after a few obstacles got in their way.

How’s your confidence? Do you believe you can achieve your dreams? I’ll tell you something in case nobody told you before: you can do whatever you want in life, you’ve just to first believe it, and then work like mad to get it.

7. They take care of themselves

When was the last time you saw a successful person who was obese or extremely overweight? Sure, these people exist, but they’re the exception to the rule. Most successful people know they need energy to get ahead, and the best way to have that is to eat right, exercise and get proper rest. Which brings us to our next point…

8. They rest and recharge

Hard work is a requirement for success, but you can only push yourself 24/7 for so long. Successful people work hard and then unplug so they can refresh their minds and bodies.

If you’ve been pushing it to the limit, think about unplugging for a long weekend or more. Once you get back to the grind, you’ll be more effective at getting the results you want.

9. They constantly learn

Successful people believe that learning never ends. This doesn’t mean they’re going to school to get new degrees, although they may. Even without formal education, they’re constantly reading and learning from others around them, perhaps from books, trade magazines or conferences, or from others who are ahead of where they want to be.

What have you learned recently that can get you closer to the success you want? If you haven’t picked up a book, trade magazine or listened to CDs or MP3s that can get you smarter in your field, it’s time to start.

10. They make mistakes and learn from them

Successful people aren’t afraid to take risks. Because of their unshakeable confidence, they treat any mistake as a learning opportunity.

Think about the last mistake you made. Didn’t make a sale? Reevaluate your sales call and make it better next time. Screwed up a presentation? Read a book on how to present successfully so you can crush your next one. Failed in your last relationship? Call your ex and ask what you can do better with your next partner. So go take some risks, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, and if you stumble, learn from it so you can be better next time.

These are 10 things successful people do. How many of them are you doing today? If not all, or most of them, it’s time to upgrade your behaviors so you can get the success you deserve.busi_people_handsup.jpg


Excuses. We all have them. And eventually we all regret making them, especially when those excuses kept us from

chasing–and possibly achieving–our dreams.

So if you’ve always wanted to start a business, even just a business on the side while you keep your full-time job (which in many circumstances is the best approach to take), see if any of the following are unnecessarily holding you back:

1. “I’m too late.”

Yeah, Jobs beat you to the graphical interface and mouse, but Xerox beat him.

Dell wasn’t the first to cobble together his own computers. Zuckerberg wasn’t first in social media. The list goes on.

Innovation is never one-and-done; some of the most successful companies are based on refining earlier ideas and innovations.

You’re only too late if you’re not willing to be faster, stronger, cheaper, or in some real way better than whoever got there “first.”

2. “I’m too afraid.”

Think you’re special? You’re not. Every entrepreneur was scared, and is still scared.

That means you have a choice. You can let your fears hold you back, or you can use those fears to fuel you do whatever it takes to succeed.

Complacency is the enemy of achievement. Fortunately, the fear of not achieving your dreams can drive complacency away.

You just have to decide you’re more afraid of not trying than of not succeeding.

3. “I don’t know the right people.”

Between company websites and LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms you can reach almost anyone besides the Pope and maybe Mark Cuban. (Wait; even I pulled that off.)

In fact some people are surprisingly accessible; maybe that’s one of the secrets of their success.

Of course the people you reach out to may not respond. If they don’t, that’s probably your fault. Never forget that the more influential the person the more they’re besieged with requests. Have a good reason to connect, give before you expect to receive, and you might be surprised by who responds.

4. “I need to find funding first.”

Entrepreneurs are masters of the art and science of accomplishing more with less: less money, less people, less time, less everything.

You will never, ever have “enough” cash or capital or funding. If you don’t have enough money to launch your business the way you plan, then change your plan.

You can’t always control what you have, but you can control what you choose to do with what you do have.

5. “I don’t have the time.”

You, like everyone, has the same amount of time. The only difference is what you do with your time.

If you were trapped underground and only had 24 hours worth of oxygen you wouldn’t check your Twitter feed or chat with friends or spend a little “me time” in front of the TV. You’d dig and dig and dig and pour all your energy into tunneling free.

Apply the same level of importance and urgency to what you want to accomplish and your schedule will instantly clear… because finding time is always a matter of how badly you want something.

6. “I don’t have the right skills.”

No problem. Go get them. Go to school. Read a book. Read ten books. Talk to friends. Get a part-time job at a small business. Get a part-time job in a completely different industry. Find someone who has done what you want to do and volunteer to work for free in return for the opportunity to learn.

Does that seem too hard? Like too big of a price to pay? Or simply not fair? Then accept you will never have the skills–and stop complaining.

Skills and knowledge are earned, not given. Go earn them.

7. “I can’t seem to come up with a great idea.”

Dreaming up something new is really, really hard.

Reacting to something that already exists is really, really easy. Just walk around and think about all the things that don’t work well, are too expensive, that waste time… you’ll spot tons of problems.

The solutions to those problems are ideas.

“New” is hard to imagine. “Better” is much easier. Most companies are built on “better,” not “new.”

8. “It just seems too risky.”

Any risk you take today is a risk you can recover from. In time you can overcome almost any setback, stumble, or failure, and emerge stronger and smarter and better equipped to succeed the next time.

If you never try all you wind up with are regrets. When you’re old and grey and “done” you’ll look back on your life and think, “I wonder what might have happened if I had only…”

That might be the only risk you should never take.

9. “I’m more of a big picture person.”

No you’re not. You’re just too lazy to do the grunt work. Or you think you’ve already paid your dues.

Every successful entrepreneur rolls up his or her sleeves and outworks everyone else around. (That’s one of the reasons they’re so successful.)

You don’t need some undefined innate quality to be great at execution. All you need is self-discipline.

10. “I really need to wait until everything’s perfect.”

“Everything” will never be perfect.

Do your best. Then step back. If a little more work will result in a markedly better outcome, go for it. If a little more work will not make a difference anyone but you will notice, let it go.

Then you make improvements based on the feedback you get from the only people whose opinions really matter: your customers.

11. “I have a great idea… but no one seems to get it.”

Oh, they get it. They get that it’s no good.

Truly great ideas can be described in a few words. Truly great products can be described in a few words. When no one seems to get it, the only person not getting it is you.

Let go of your pride and agenda and “unique point of view” and figure out where you’ve gone wrong.

12. “It just seems too hard.”

Long journeys are hard.

Individual steps are easy.

You can’t accomplish any difficult goal overnight, but you can accomplish one step, however small, towards that goal. Think about the end of a journey and all that will be required along the way and you’ll never start.

Instead, just do one thing that will help get you there. Then build on it. That you can do.

13. “It will be too embarrassing if I fail.”

If you fail, a few people will talk about you. But those are the same people who would never dare try something themselves. So don’t worry about them.



The best things in life may be free, but that doesn’t mean they won’t take time, sweat, and perseverance to acquire.

That’s especially the case when it comes to learning important life skills.

In an effort to ascertain which talents are worth the investment, one Quora reader posed the question: What are the hardest and most useful skills to learn?

We’ve highlighted our favorite takeaways.

1. Time management
Effective time management is one of the most highly valued skills by employers. While there is no one right way, it’s important to find a system that works for you and stick to it, Alina Grzegorzewska explains.

“The hardest thing to learn for me was how to plan,” she writes. “Not to execute what I have planned, but to make so epic a to-do list and to schedule it so thoroughly that I’m really capable of completing all the tasks on the scheduled date.”

2. Empathy
“You can be the most disciplined, brilliant, and even wealthy individual in the world, but if you don’t care for or empathize with other people, then you are basically nothing but a sociopath,” writes Kamia Taylor.

Empathy, as business owner Jane Wurdwand explains, is a fundamental human ability that has too readily been forsworn by modern business.

“Empathy — the ability to feel what others feel — is what makes good sales and service people truly great. Empathy as in team spirit — esprit d’corps — motivates people to try harder. Empathy drives employees to push beyond their own apathy, to go bigger, because they feel something bigger than just a paycheck,” she writes.

3. Mastering your sleep
There are so many prescribed sleep hacks out there it’s often hard to keep track. But regardless of what you choose, establishing a ritual can help ensure you have restful nights.

Numerous studies show that being consistent with your sleep schedule makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up, and it helps promote better sleep in general.

4. Positive self-talk
“Ultimately it doesn’t matter what others think of you,” writes Shobhit Singhal, “but what you think of yourself certainly does, and it takes time to build that level of confidence and ability to believe in yourself when nobody else does.”

On the other side of positive self-talk is negative self-talk, which Betsy Myers, founding director of The Center for Women and Business at Bentley University, believes can slowly chip away at your confidence.

5. Consistency
Whether you’re trying a new exercise routine, studying for the LSATs, or working on an important project, Khaleel Syed writes that consistency is vital to maintaining any kind of success.

People often stop working hard when they reach the top, he explains, but to maintain that top position, they have to work harder and be more consistent in their work.

6. Asking for help
“I once was told in a job interview, ‘You can’t have this job if you can’t ask for help when you need it,'” Louise Christy writes. “Naturally, I said I could. Later, I found out that the previous person with that job had screwed up big-time because he was in over his head but couldn’t admit it and didn’t ask for help.”

She explains that knowing when you need help and then asking for it is surprisingly difficult to learn and do because no one wants to be perceived as weak or incompetent.

But a recent study from the Harvard Business School suggests doing so makes you look more, not less, capable. According to the study authors, when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.

7. Knowing when to shut up — and actually doing it
“You can’t go around whining about every other thing that seems not-so-right to you in this world,” writes Roshna Nazir. “Sometimes you just need to shut up.”

There are many instances when keeping to yourself is the best course. “When we are angry, upset, agitated, or vexed,” writes Anwesha Jana, “we blurt out anything and everything that comes to our mind.” And later, you tend to regret it.

Keeping your mouth shut when you’re agitated is one of the most valuable skills to learn, and of course, one of the most difficult.

8. Listening
Along with shutting up comes listening, says Richard Careaga.

“Most of us in the workplace are so overwhelmed with things to do — instant messaging, phones ringing. I mean, our brain can only tolerate so much information before it snaps,” Nicole Lipkin, author of “What Keeps Leaders Up At Night,” previously told Business Insider.

One tip for active listening is repeating back what you heard to the other person. “It makes things so much easier when everyone is on the same page,” she said.

9. Minding your business
“It takes ages to learn and master this,” writes Aarushi Ruddra.

Sticking your nose into other people’s work isn’t helpful and wastes time and resources, she says. “You have no right to put forth your two or four cents, even if you are the last righteous person standing.”

10. Mastering your thoughts
To do what you want to do and accomplish what you want to accomplish, you need to consciously direct your thinking, writes Mark Givert.

“The challenge is that we are the product of our past experience and all of our thinking is the result of this,” he says. “However, the past does not equal the future.”

id-100272193Relationships are key to nearly all things in this world but with multi level marketing they are an absolute must.

In a way, you could say that every new relationship is merely extending your ‘warm market’, and as MLM business owners, we all know that it is much easier to prospect to those within the warmer area.

Time spent just being yourself, and building relationships around your own interests, both personal and professional, will reap much greater rewards for you in the long run.

The internet, especially social media platforms, has made meeting new people from all corners of the globe a common thing nowadays. The key word in the previous sentence is ‘meeting’, I didn’t say ‘selling to’ because both offline and online, people first and foremost are seeking to meet new people, form new relationships and acquire new knowledge.

Although I recommend this approach for everyone, it is extremely beneficial to those who are new to the multi level marketing business and at the moment are not 100% confident in approaching people whom either they barely know or they don’t know at all.

Therefore, you should join communities and groups, both online and offline which interest you. Of course, most will be related to your business, but they don’t all have to be. Spend time meeting and getting to know new people. Find out how you can help them; contribute your ideas, thoughts and experiences to the groups and communities you join, don’t just talk about what you are selling, people don’t want to hear that 24/7. People want information and then they can make an educated decision on which course of action to take.

You could look upon this as a form of pre-relationship marketing. You are not focused on the sale, you are focused on helping, assisting and problem solving and to do this you need to form some kind of relationship. You are building your reputation up as a friendly, helpful, trustworthy and knowledgeable person. And later, those who are interested in either your products or business opportunity will have the faith and confidence to deal with you.

People are curious creatures, and when you join a community and start providing high quality information on the subject or topic you are discussing, the majority of these people will want to know exactly who are. I have done it many times, been involved in an online group discussion, usually via a social media platform, and someone has posted a few helpful comments. I then click on that users name/profile to learn a little more about the person. This human curiosity will lead people to you, rather than you having to approach them from the cold.

This method is not designed to replace what your uplines and MLM company are teaching you. Think of it as adding another string to the bow. It is merely another way to generate leads via forming good relations with new people.

Again, the underlying message in all of my posts thus far is to make yourself standout, be different from the crowd. This is a great way to do that because most multi level marketers are only focused on selling and recruiting. Yes, they do form relationships, but they are usually after a purchase has been made or a person has been recruited. Using this method, you are building the ‘relationship bridge’ first which will give you an added advantage later.

In some ways, it is similar to the tortoise and the hare. The moral being that you don’t need to go out at 100 mph banging on every door. You can take your time relationship building and you will catch up (and probably overtake) the Mr Hare in your company before the end of the race.

That’s all for this edition. I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and a successful 2015.

Be a Business Leader First, and a Marketer Second

Many CMOs say that thinking and acting like a business leader is one of the characteristics most integral to their success

I’ve written about the role of a “true”  marketing leader before. There’s a key philosophical difference between a CMO and a VP of Marketing: the former is a business leader, the latter runs a marketing department. As business leaders, CMOs must earn their seat at the revenue table with other C-level executives and board members. CMOs fuse strategic long-term vision with a strong bias for sales and marketing integration, and they balance creativity with hard financial data, marketing analytics and measurement.

Get Intimate

Every successful marketing strategy, be it avant-garde or staid and conventional, originates with the target market. Leading CMOs orbit around the customer, and are obsessed with understanding their target market.  (They aren’t called market-ers for nothing!)

Marketo’s own research provides support here: high-growth companies are significantly more likely than low-growth companies to incorporate customer satisfaction into their marketing executive’s compensation. This is not a coincidence.  These brands know their success depends on their CMOs’ intimacy with customers.  Information is power in today’s marketplace; it serves as a springboard for our next lesson: innovation.

Innovation and the Innovator’s Dilemma

Innovation goes hand-in-hand with a marketer’s ability to position an organization to be intimate with its customers.  It’s about transformation and reinvention. But this can be painfully difficult, because in many cases it means moving away from the exact things that made us successful in the past. Even if we’re not faced with major disruptions, yesterday’s novel approach quickly becomes today’s industry standard.

The effective CMO continually asks him or herself, “How can I transform our marketing and our business?”

This is a mindset of 180-degree turns and 100 percent improvement. With the iPad, Steve Jobs perceived what the customer wanted before the customer even knew it, and now Apple is promoting the post-PC era. Netflix built its brand around delivering DVDs in the mail and now is doing everything it can to make that business obsolete. As marketing leaders, we must have a vested interest in conceptualizing and embracing strategies and tactics that are alien to us.

Applying the Lessons

When we founded Marketo, we took our intimate understanding of what marketers needed and combined it with a unique business model and super-efficient revenue engine to build one of the fastest growing SaaS companies of all time.

I attribute much of our current success to the “new” lead generation tactics we employed at our inception: great thought leadership and content marketing to generate awareness and inbound leads, aggressive use of online marketing to generate qualified prospects, smart use of lead nurturing to develop relationships with prospects that are not yet ready to buy, and a highly-efficient inside sales model supported by a steady stream of high-quality scored leads.  These are now best marketing practices across all industries.

However, we need to continually evolve our marketing tactics to retain our competitive advantage. We market to marketers, so we need to always be embracing the future of marketing in our everyday activities.

What’s Next

The most important lesson here is not to be afraid to question the way things are and to try new things.  Experiment.  Test.  Be nimble in your responses. Think big, move quickly and execute flawlessly. And of course, if something isn’t going to work out, be sure you fail early and fail fast.

How are you transforming and innovating your marketing strategies? What sacred cows are you questioning?

Mountain biker on top of on rock with arms raised

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. – Michael Jordan

So, you have this fantastic idea and you are absolutely excited to get started with your project…

BUT, something is holding you back. Somehow you always find a reason to procrastinate and to occupy yourself with other, less important things.

Could it be that you are afraid of failure?

After all, this isn’t as save and straightforward as most other things you may have done so far. So, yes, there is a risk to fail and to mess up.

What will your friends think about you? Will you be laughed at, ridiculed, called a loser…?

Your idea about failure may be completely wrong

From an early age on we are taught that it’s bad to make mistakes and that they need to be avoided by all means otherwise there are unpleasant consequences.

The truth however is that failure and making mistakes is a necessary part of success and it cannot be avoided.

It can only be avoided if you decide to “play it save” for the rest of your life and if you are happy to remain in your comfort zone and stop expanding and enjoying the exhilarating feeling of continuous growth.

But, that’s not really what you want, right?

The most successful people are the biggest “failures”

Yes, the most successful people are those who fail the most. With each failure your grow, you become bigger, you learn new and important things and you get one step closer to reaching your goals.

Big dreams and big goals can only be realized as long as you are ready to fail – again and again.

Learn from the most successful people and adopt a similar attitude towards failure

The happiest and most successful people know that…

#1: Failure is an integral part on the way to success and self realization.
#2: Whenever you step outside the comfort zone and whenever you try something new, failure becomes inevitable.
#3: Each failure brings you one step closer to reaching your goals.
#4: Failure is a great teacher and it allows you to learn some of the most valuable life lessons.
#4: Each failure makes you stronger, bigger and better.
#6: Making mistakes is not a big deal as long as you learn from them and avoid repeating them.
#7: Failure teaches you that a certain approach may not be ideal for a specific situation and that there are better approaches.
#8: Successful people will never laugh at you or judge you when you fail, because they have already been there and they know about the valuable lessons you can learn from failure.
#9: No matter how often you fail, you are not a failure as long as you don’t give up.
#10: Each time you fail, your fear of failure becomes smaller, which allows you to take on even bigger challenges.
One thing is absolutely sure, if you REALLY want to succeed in life, if you want to do something special, if you want to fulfill your dreams… failure becomes inevitable.

But, it doesn’t hurt as much as you may think. With the right attitude you can even turn “the art of failing” into an interesting and exciting adventure.

If you are still stuck in your old paradigm of “failing is bad and should be avoided by all means”, I highly recommend you read some autobiographies of highly successful people to learn how they “failed” their way to success.

You will be astonished how often those people failed until they finally succeeded and what a different and rather positive attitude they have towards failure.

How do you deal with failures?

Do you have a specific approaches to quickly get over your failures and to continue on the road to success?

livefreeتأسست شركة Live Free Ltd علي يد نخبة من خبراء هذه الصناعة المصريين الذين حققوا نجاحات عظيمة في هذا المجال خلال السنوات السابقة و التي توجت بإنشاء شركة ليف فري بهذا الكيان العملاق و هم: خالد أوبيا, محمد الجندي و محمد علام.

copy-of-img_190375573008748مقرها الرئيسي في لندن صاحبة أقوي قوانين البيع المباشر في العالم في برج سويس ريتاور و تستهدف 180 دولة لتأسيس أسواق بها. بجانب مكتب اقليمي بالامارات.


ليف فري أيضا شركة خاضعة لجهاز حماية المستهلك المصري، علاوةً على أن جميع مواقعها الإلكترونية مؤمنة من قبل شركة Norton Safe الرائدة في مجال صناعة برامج مكافحة الفيروسات والحماية عبر الإنترنت.

كانت الراعي الرسمي لمباراة العودة في تصفيات كأس العالم بين مصر و غانا. و ايضا مباراة مانشيستر سيتي و العين الاماراتي في افتتاح استاد جديد بالامارات. و كتبت عنها جريدة اليوم السابع.

عقدت شراكة مع واحدة من أفضل شركات الطيران في العالم – Etihad Airways – الإماراتية الأصل و التي صنفت سابع أفضل شركة طيران علي مستوي العالم لسنة 2013 و صاحبة نادي Manchester City بطل الدوري الإنجليزي و ملعبه ستاد الإتحاد. و قام طيران الاتحاد باضافة شركة ليف فري كشريك الي موقعه الرسمي.

و تم مؤخراً أيضاً عقد شراكة مع شركة اتصالات مصر واحدة من أكبر شركات الاتصالات الكبري علي مستوي العالم. والتي تقوم بدورها بتقديم خدمات الإتصالات لليف فري وعملائها، كما ميزتها بمنتج حصري عبارة عن خط ليف كونكت (Live Connect) لا يتم الحصول عليه سوى من شركة ليف فري.

كما تقوم البنوك التالية برعاية التعاملات المالية للشركة وتقديم الدعم المالي لأعضائها ( بنك أبو ظبي التجاري – بنك الإتحاد الوطني – Emarates NBD ).


تتعدد منتجات و خدمات Live Free Ltd في الأقسام التالية:

Live Tours Plus & Live Tours (سياحة و سفر لأكثر من 180,000 مكان حول العالم بأسعار خيالية)
Live Tech (أحدث الأجهزة الإلكترونية الحصرية بإسم ليف فري)
Live Telecom (خدمات إتصالات)
و تتيح شركة Live Free فرص عمل لكل من يرغب بالعمل في البيع المباشر. فعند شراء احد المنتجات يمكنك ان تعمل كمسوق مستقل للشركة مما قد يعود عليك بأرباح مالية كبيرة. و يجب عليك التواصل مع احد الممثلين المستقلين لتتمكن من العمل بالشركة او شراء احد منتجاتها و خدماتها المعروضة علي موقعها الرسمي

تمكنك شركة livefree من كونك عضو فيها بإعطائك بطاقة إئتمان بحيث تستطيع سحب النقود من خلال كارت ليف فري ماستر كارد الخاص بك من أي ماكينة صراف ألي في العالم أينما تشاء أو عن طريق السحب علي أي بنك لك.


للاستفسارات او للتمتع بهذه الخدامات و الالتحاق بهذه المؤسسة الكبيرة يرجى مراسلتى على

network-marketing التسويق الشبكي وتعرف بالتسويق متعدد المستويات (MLM)، هو المصطلح الذي يصف هيكل التسويق التي تستخدمها بعض الشركات خاصة شركات البيع المباشر كجزء من استراتيجيتها الشاملة للتسويق. هيكل مصمم لإنشاء قوة في التسويق والمبيعات عن طريق إمكانية الربح للمروجين لمنتجات الشركة من خلال ترويجهم، ليس فقط من خلال المبيعات الشخصية المباشرة، ولكن أيضا بالنسبة للمبيعات من المروجين الأخرىن الذين التحقوا بالعمل عن طريقهم، وخلق شبكة من الموزعين والتسلسل الشبكي للمستويات المتعددة للربح في شكل شبكي. ومن اشهر وانجح الشركات المصرية في هذا المجال : شركة ليف فري (Live Free). تتميز شركات التسويق الشبكي بأنها تعتمد على قوة منتجاتها وتميزها وحصريتها في المقام الأول، كما أنها لا تتخذ من الإعلانات سبيل لها للانتشار، بل عن طريق عملاء مستقلين أو ممثلين مستقلين للشركة قاموا بتجربة الشركة والشراء من منتجاتها، وبمجرد الشراء حصلوا على فرصة عمل مع الشركة من خلال تسويقهم الشفهي (الدعاية الكلامية) Word of Mouth لهذه المنتجات. يظن الكثير أن التسويق الشبكي هو التسويق الهرمي، وهذا غير صحيح؛ فالهرمي قائم على أكل أموال الناس بالباطل، وقد مَنَعَتْهُ القوانين الدولية؛ فضلاً عن كونه محرماً في الشريعة الإسلامية. Social Network في التسويق الشبكي يجري دفع مبالغ لشراء منتجات فقط، ويحصل الشخص على نسبة معينة من مشترياته، أو من مشتريات شبكته، أما في نظام الهرم؛ فإن الشخص يدفع مبالغ – دون أن يحصل على منتجات -؛ وإنما يتم وعده بأنه سيحصل على عائدات في المستقبل!! لذلك يجب عليك التحقق من نظام اي شركة قبل العمل بها و ذلك يجنبك استغلال بعض الشركات لهذه الصناعة التسويقية استغلالاً سيئاً بنشرها لمنتجات غير لائقة أو باتخاذها من التسويق الشبكي وسيلة للنصب وكسب الربح بسرقة أموال الناس. livefree و تقوم شركة Live Free للبيع المباشر بالاشتراك مع شركة اتصالات و خطوط طيران الاتحاد و بنك التحاد الوطني بتقديم منتجات و خدمات مميزة و حصرية تجدوها علي موقع الشركة فأنت عندما تحصل علي اي منتتج يناسبك من live free فان الشركة تتيح لك ايضا حق العمل كممثل مستقل لديها و كسب ارباح و اموال كثيرة ليس فقط من خلال التسويق للشركة او تسويق الممثلين الذين قمت بجلبهم بل ايضا عن طريق استخدام المنتج. و للعمل او الحصول علي اي منتج يجب عليك التواصل مع أحد الممثلين المستقلين للشركة. و حصريا يقوم موقعنا بتقديم خدمة مجانية لزوارنا، فقط قم بارسال اسمك و رقم هاتفك عن طريق البريد الالكتروني و سيقوم احد ممثلي شركة live free Ltd بالاتصال بك مجانا في اسرع وقت للرد علي جميع استفساراتك و تقديم اقوي العروض و التخفيضات التي لن تجدها في اي مكان اخر. love-direct-sales

البيع المباشر و المستفيدين من وراءه البيع المباشر هو وسيلة سهلة ومنخفضة التكلفة لبدء الأعمال التجارية والحصول على دخل إضافي، ولكن لمجرد أن مخاطره منخفضة لا يعني أنك لا ينبغي أن تكون على علم كامل بكل جوانبه قبل أن تبدأ، من هذا المنطلق نتعرف علي بعض الجوانب الأساسية للبيع المباشر .

البيع المباشر هو نوع من انواع البيع يعتمد علي تسويق المنتجات والخدمات إلى المستهلكين مباشرة وجهاً لوجه في مكان تصنيعها، وفي أماكن أخرى بعيداً عن أماكن البيع بالتجزئة الدائمة. فهو يعتمد في التسويق على تحويل المستهلكين إلى مسوقين أو موزعين؛ وذلك عن طريق تكوين مجموعة من الشبكات البشرية ينتشر عن طريقها المنتج بالاعتماد على ثقة الناس بعضهم لبعض. فمعظم شركات البيع المباشر تستخدم التسويق الشبكي في ترويج منتجاتها حيث يحصل الشخص على نسبة معينة من مبيعاته، و من مبيعات شبكته. و هنا تظهر قوة البيع المباشر فالاستفادة تكون للجميع ككل: المستهلك، و الباعة المباشرين و الشركة. directdiagram ان تميز البيع المباشر عن البيع التقليدي تكمن في توفير المبالغَ الطائلة والتكاليف الباهظة للشركات، والتي تخسرها في سبيل التسويق للمنتجات، وفي نفس الوقت هو يوفر للمستهلك الأموال التي يدفعها هو من جيبه مقابل دعاية الموزعين في التسويق التقليدي! فالبيع التقليدي يحتوي على العديد من الاطراف في سلسلة التوريد، و كل طرف يضيف لتكلفة المنتج وخاصة إلى السعر النهائي الذي يدفعه المستهلك فالهدف من البيع المباشر هي ان الربح يكون لجيبك وليس لشخص آخر، ذلك لانه يتم دفع نسبة كبيرة من السعر الاجمالي للمنتج إلى الموزع المستقل. و البيع المباشر ليس مفهوما جديدا لتقديم المنتجات والخدمات إلى السوق، بل انه موجود منذ آلاف السنين. فلقد كان المزارعين يقومون بالسفر كيلومترات لتقديم إنتاجهم اليومي للأسواق المحلية، وبيع بضائعهم مباشرة إلى المستهلك. 5062-73-7163 تكلفة الانطلاق للبيع المباشر منخفضة للغاية في الغالب، بعكس فرص الاستثمار الأخرى التي تتطلب مصاريف عالية وتُعَرِّض المستثمر إلى خطر الخسارة. كما انها تعتبر حلاً بديلاً وقوياً للتوظيف التقليدي لأولئك الراغبين بالحصول على فرصة كسب دخل مَرِنْ؛ كَمُتَمِّمٍ لدخلهم الأساسي، وكذلك للذين لا تسمح لهم مسؤولياتهم أو ظروفهم بالعمل المنتظم لوقت جزئي أو كامل. فانه لا يحتاج الي وقت معين حيث إن العاملين فيه ينجزونه كعمل إضافي وفي أوقات الفراغ وفترات زمنية قصيرة ومحددة. ويوجد من يعمل فيه كعمل مستقل؛ إلا أن معظمهم كانوا يعملون في وظائف تقليدية ثم تركوها؛ لينخرطوا في البيع المباشر بشكل كامل. وبطبيعة الحال فإن النجاح فيه سهلٌ؛ ولكن لا بد من الجهد فيه؛ فالجهد هو الذي يحقق النجاح بعد توفيق الله تعالى. كما أن المرأة تلعب دورا قياديا هاما فى تلك الصناعة، نظرا لتمتع المرأة بسمات اتصالاتية متميزة، وقدرتها على بناء وخلق علاقات اجتماعية طيبة وقوية بمن حولها، فضلا عن قدرتها على التحمل والمثابرة والعمل تحت ضغط وعدم الاستسلام بسهولة. 707861146 وأشار تقرير صادر عن الاتحاد العالمى لجمعيات البيع المباشر إلى أن عمر صناعة البيع المباشر، يصل إلى أكثر من 50 عاما، و يعمل بها 90 مليون شخص على مستوى العالم حيث اتسمت أعمالها بانتشار واسع عالميا، وخاصة فى دول العالم المتقدمة, كما تسهم بنسبة كبيرة فى نمو الاقتصاد المحلى والعالمى لتلك الدول. ويؤكد التقرير، أن صناعة البيع المباشر تشهد نموا قويا فى الأسواق الناشئة على مستوى العالم، خاصة فى منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، ما يدل على أنها فرصة جيدة لريادة الأعمال. و قد دخل السوق المصري كيان عملاق و هي شركة Live Free للبيع المباشر بالاشتراك مع شركة اتصالات و خطوط طيران الاتحاد و بنك الاتحاد الوطني، لتقدم منتجات و خدمات مميزة و حصرية تجدوها علي موقع الشركة فأنت عندما تحصل علي اي منتتج يناسبك من live free فان الشركة تتيح لك ايضا حق العمل كممثل مستقل لديها و كسب ارباح و اموال كثيرة ليس فقط من خلال التسويق للشركة او تسويق الممثلين الذين قمت بجلبهم بل ايضا عن طريق استخدام المنتج. و للعمل او الحصول علي اي منتج يجب عليك التواصل مع أحد الممثلين المستقلين للشركة.

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